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Prayers for displaced peoples

News | 17.06.2022

Prayers for displaced peoples, for Refugee Week and beyond.


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New course for older people’s ministry groups

News | 08.06.2022

Church groups can now access a brand new course to develop their skills in offering spiritual care to older people - the Spiritual Care Series from Anna Chaplaincy.

Anna Chaplaincy Older people's ministry Training

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Prayer and personality: the 2022 Festival of Prayer

News | 25.05.2022

Explore how knowing yourself better can enrich your prayer life, in the company of inspiring speakers including Dr Gemma Simmonds CJ, at the tenth BRF/Diocese of Oxford Festival of Prayer, on 9 July.


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Unexpected blessings: read our latest news!

News | 19.05.2022

Healed relationships... families freed to discover God together... astonishing church growth... a whole family takes a step of faith... it's all in the latest issue of BRF News.

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Prayers for the platinum jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II

News | 06.05.2022

Give thanks for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth's platinum jubilee with specially written, thoughtful prayers by Martyn Payne.

Platinum Jubilee Prayer

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Free creative jubilee resource for older people’s ministry

News | 06.05.2022

A specially written resource for older people of all abilities, celebrating the faith of Queen Elizabeth and marking her platinum jubilee.

Anna Chaplaincy Jubilee Messy Church Messy Vintage

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Free jubilee resources for community celebrations

News | 06.05.2022

These easy-to-do, meaningful and fun ideas for all-age gatherings celebrate Queen Elizabeth's jubilee and her Christian faith. Together, they create a structured Messy Church session suitable for communities of all ages and backgrounds.

Intergenerational Jubilee Messy Church

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Free resource for bereavement support

News | 03.05.2022

New-free-to-download bereavement support resource from Anna Chaplaincy with personal stories and helpful guidance for those experiencing or supporting others living with loss.

Anna Chaplaincy Bereavement Training

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Join in at your leisure!

News | 07.04.2022

Enjoy our uplifting service of thanksgiving and celebration at a time that suits you. With Rt Revd Colin Fletcher, Christina Baxter, Canon Dr George Lings, the Oxford Gospel Choir, Debbie Thrower, Aike Kennett-Brown, Anna Hawken, Olivia Warburton and other members of the BRF community.


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Prayers and reflections for Holy Week

News | 07.04.2022

Walk towards Easter in the presence of Jesus through these special prayers and short video reflections.

Easter Holy week Prayer

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