Photocopying and print permissions

Photocopying for churches

Please report to CLA Church Licence any photocopy you make from our publications. Your church administrator or secretary will know who manages your CLA Church Licence.

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Quoting from BRF publications

If you wish to reproduce material from a BRF publication in another document, please adhere to the following guidelines:

Fair dealing (less than 400 words): Extracting limited amounts of text from books for non-commercial use is known as fair dealing and does not require permission from BRF. When quoting material, please acknowledge as follows:

From [Individual book title] by [Author/s], published by BRF,

Longer extracts: If you are planning to extract more than 400 words of text for another publication for commercial or non-commercial use, then BRF may make a charge for this.

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How BRF Ministries is funded

As a charity, we rely on the financial contribution from individuals, churches, gifts in wills, fundraising and the sale of resources to deliver Anna Chaplaincy, Living Faith, Messy Church and Parenting for Faith. Your gift is so important to us and helps us impact thousands of lives each year. See below for more information on how we are funded or how to support us through giving.

How we are funded Explore ways to donate