Gifts in Wills

Leaving a gift in your Will is a wonderful way to support BRF Ministries. Making a Will is something that many people avoid doing, but the process need not be complicated or expensive. We always recommend visiting a solicitor to ensure that your Will represents your wishes. After you have made provision for your family, friends and church maybe you would kindly consider a gift of one per cent in your Will to help BRF Ministries. All you need to take to your solicitor is our registered charity number which is 233280.

Since 1922 BRF Ministries has been resourcing the spiritual journeys of people of all ages. Today, we continue in this mission through: Anna Chaplaincy, Living Faith, Messy Church and Parenting for Faith. Fundraising activities, donations and gifts in Wills are essential to enable us to carry out our work.

Thank you for thinking of us

Julie MacNaughton – Head of Fundraising

How we're funded Download our gift in wills form


helps us deliver online training sessions


helps make BRF resources more widely available


helps create resources for family ministry


helps cover the annual costs of a frontline worker

Our five promises

You decide in your own time

We recognise that it’s your decision to make in your own time

We respect your privacy

You don’t have to tell us what you decide

Your loved ones come first

We recognise that your loved ones come first

We value every gift

We will value every gift, small or large

Your gift will make a lasting difference

We will use your gift for significant projects with lasting impact