Free creative jubilee resource for older people’s ministry

Queen Elizabeth’s platinum jubilee provides an ideal opportunity to offer a special event for older people in the local church, community and care homes. This free downloadable resource celebrates memories from the past 70 years, and invites reflection on the faith of the reigning monarch. It is designed by Katie Norman, who has been in the forefront of developing Messy Vintage – a creative, inclusive and gentle way of ‘doing church’ for older people based on Messy Church principles.

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'The Queen's treasure'

Older people will enjoy reflecting on the faith that has underpinned the life and reign of Queen Elizabeth. This new Messy Vintage resource, created for Her Majesty’s platinum jubilee, suggests guidance on how to use a memory box to sensitively lead a joyful session accessible to older people of all abilities.

It includes suggestions for songs to sing and an optional small gift, as well as this specially written prayer:

King of kings, majesty,
We give you thanks for our queen, Queen Elizabeth II,
and for the way in which she has reigned over us for
70 years,
with you so evidently in her heart.
At this special time of her platinum jubilee,
protect her and strengthen her we pray.
May she delight in all of the celebrations that
honour her
and may she know true love, joy and peace
in her advancing years.
Through Jesus Christ, we pray

Find more jubilee prayers here.

Check out the all-age platinum jubilee ideas from Messy Church.