Easter praise
The words for ‘God is so good’ in many languages, to celebrate Easter worldwide.
Easter shout
On Easter morning Christian congregations in many lands and in many languages repeat the great…
Easter through punctuation marks
An all-age talk idea for Easter Sunday.
Exploring forgiveness
We know we should be ready to forgive those who hurt us but sometimes it’s…
Exploring friendship using Bible stories 7: Jesus is let down by his friends - the kiss of death
A lesson outline that explores how Jesus tasted the destruction of friendship in order to…
Exploring Narnia and Christianity - a reflective story
The world of Narnia offers a place of intrigue and imagination. There are many ways…
Exploring the Last Supper as a Jewish Seder meal
This idea gives a flavour of Jesus’ last meal by acting out part of a…
Holy Week visual aid
This is an adaptation of a well-tried paper-folding and paper-tearing exercise that tells the story…
Jesus - Light of the World
Jesus called himself the light of the world. These activities link to Jesus’ birth, healings,…
Journeymakers – a pilgrimage through Lent
Journeymakers is a series of downloadable PDFs inviting you to turn your walk into a pilgrimage…
Lent - An ongoing idea for exploring the cross through Lent
The following idea helps children’s groups prepare in Lent for the six-week countdown to the…