Activities for the big surprise
Are you looking for a new angle on the Christmas story? This idea suggests several…
Advent – annunciation 2
A session on the annunciation for 8-11 year olds.
Advent – Christingle/Christmas song
It’s difficult to find singable songs for a Christingle service. With the reissue of Tony…
Advent – introducing Advent
This is a short presentation to introduce the idea of Advent with a children’s group…
Advent – linking Advent and the St Andrew's cross
An outline for a session on the story of St Andrew, his special cross and…
Advent – linking Advent and the Tau cross
An outline for a session introducing the Tau cross, based originally on a letter of…
All Saints Day – 1 November
Suggestions for exploring the idea that saints are the whole body of Christ on earth…
All-age talk - hints and guidelines
Here are some useful hints and guidelines for those who are asked to give a…
Amos - judgement and justice
This outline is part of a mini-series for Advent and explores the book of Amos…
An all-age Trinity
The Feast of Trinity comes on the Sunday immediately after Pentecost and celebrates the mystery…
An alphabet gospel 1 – things Jesus said
An alphabet collection of some of the things Jesus said, providing a family focus for…