Resource Hub

Need activities and ideas for primary RE, collective worship, church home groups, children’s and families work or for faith in the home?

The BRF Resource Hub is your one-stop shop for free tried and tested ideas from over 20 years of working in primary RE (through Barnabas in Schools) and in resourcing churches.

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Celebrate Harvest


This is an idea for a short act of worship for all ages at Harvest…

Harvest Parables Prayer Storytelling Teaching of Jesus

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Celebrate Holy Week


The last parable that Jesus used about ‘the rejected stone’ perhaps sums up Holy Week…

Holy Week Parables Teaching of Jesus

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Celebrating one in a hundred


The parable of the lost sheep is possibly one of Jesus’ best-known stories. This outline…

Parables Storytelling Teaching of Jesus

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Exploring forgiveness


We know we should be ready to forgive those who hurt us but sometimes it’s…

Bible Easter Forgiveness Lent Parables Peter Storytelling

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Lent - Cross (7) The Palm Cross


The following outline for children’s work, a special event or Lenten display provides a link…

Easter John Lent Parables Reflective Storytelling

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Like a mustard seed


The parable of the mustard seed is one of the most memorable and profound stories…

Abraham Harvest Lent Parables Peter Storytelling

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Talents and pounds


The Parable of the Talents and the Parable of the Pounds

Parables Reflective Storytelling

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The great feast


In sporting terms, ‘the first coming last and the last first’ doesn’t make much sense!…

Parables Storytelling

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The lost coin


Jesus loved telling stories to get people thinking about what the kingdom of God is…

Parables Storytelling

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The Pearl of Great Price


An outline for an activity with a children’s group or for all-age worship that explores…

Parables Reflective Storytelling

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