Living the Autumn of Life – part 1
Articles | 06.10.2024
The first of two extracts from George Lings’ new book Living the Autumn of Life.
Celebrating Creationtide: birthing wonder
Articles | 29.09.2024
Michael Mitton reflects on the extraordinary poet storytellers who captured the wonder of creation in Genesis.
Celebrating Creationtide: caring for the universe
Articles | 22.09.2024
To mark Creationtide (1 September–4 October) Ruth Bancewicz, church engagement director at The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion, reflects on Psalm 19 and God’s amazing creation.
Anna Chaplaincy: compassion and caring
Articles | 15.09.2024
Marking the tenth anniversary of Anna Chaplaincy becoming part of BRF Ministries.
Following Jesus through Holy Week
News | 24.03.2021
Join us at 7.30 each evening in Holy Week for a short Facebook reflection with Andrew Roberts and the BRF Holy Habits: Following Jesus Lent group.
Discipleship Holy Habits Holy week Lent
Free masterclasses prove a hit
News | 07.02.2021
Free training sessions on 'discipleship' and 'adapting to changing circumstances' are helping leaders nurture their Messy Church families. New dates announced for February 2021.
Covid-19 Discipleship Messy Church Pandemic Training
Messy Church bears fruit!
News | 31.01.2021
Lay Pioneer Kathy Bland shares some of the fruits of the Leominster Priory Messy Church ministry.
Discipleship Messy Church