Resource Hub

Need activities and ideas for primary RE, collective worship, church home groups, children’s and families work or for faith in the home?

The BRF Resource Hub is your one-stop shop for free tried and tested ideas from over 20 years of working in primary RE (through Barnabas in Schools) and in resourcing churches.

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A world of hellos


Various words of welcome and ways of greeting from around the world.

Apostles Bible Pentecost

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Babble - an assembly to introduce Pentecost


This assembly idea provides an alternative introduction to the story of Pentecost. It uses Jenga…

Citizenship Pentecost Unity

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Messy mission: Acts 1-12


The story of the Christian church in the first twelve chapters of the book of…

Bible Bible Sunday Drama Pentecost Prayer

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Pentecost decorations


Ideas of ways your group could help your church to celebrate Pentecost

Craft Pentecost Prayer Worship

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Pentecost in percussion


The aim of this activity is to tell the story of Pentecost in sound.

Drama Music and mime Pentecost

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Pentecost Power- the Holy Spirit at work


A simple dramatic presentation for Pentecost – this sketch can be rehearsed in a very…

Drama Pentecost

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Pentecost Prayers


A short prayer and reflection time based on hands

Pentecost Prayer

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Pentecost: a dramatic reading


A simple dramatic script for the Pentecost narrative (Acts 2:1-21) for use in collective worship

Pentecost Unity

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Pentecost: a response story


Here is a simple response version of the Acts 2 narrative, which will be suitable…

Changes Pentecost Storytelling Unity

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Pentecost: all-age worship


Pentecost celebrates the birthday of the church: when Jesus fulfilled His promise by sending the…

Pentecost Reflective Storytelling

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Pentecost: an assembly story and a poem


Pentecost is such an important new beginning in the story of God’s rescue of planet…

Pentecost Storytelling

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Peter and Cornelius: overcoming Prejudice


Ideas for working with the story of Peter and Cornelius, the Roman officer, as found…

Apostles Friendship Pentecost Unity

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Power from on high


Pentecost is the next festival after Easter but it often gets overlooked. Just as God…

Drama Pentecost Reflective Storytelling

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Praying with the world


Ideas for prayer from the worldwide family of the church. Suitable for use with a…

Pentecost Prayer

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