Resource Hub

Need activities and ideas for primary RE, collective worship, church home groups, children’s and families work or for faith in the home?

The BRF Resource Hub is your one-stop shop for free tried and tested ideas from over 20 years of working in primary RE (through Barnabas in Schools) and in resourcing churches.

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A church year line


This is a teaching activity to help people understand more the pattern of the church…

Advent Ascension Christmas Easter Epiphany Harvest Holy Week Lent Worship

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A harvest home


Our Christian harvest festival has its biblical roots in the Feast of Tabernacles. Here are…

Bible Craft Harvest Moses Prayer

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A harvest of compassion


Harvest is an opportunity to thank God for our food and also look outward. This…

Bible Harvest

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A harvest psalm


A version of Psalm 67 for the whole congregation to use.


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A, B, seed


Some seed-related ideas for a harvest activity with your children’s group.

Games Harvest Storytelling

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Celebrate Harvest


This is an idea for a short act of worship for all ages at Harvest…

Harvest Parables Prayer Storytelling Teaching of Jesus

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God is a faithful gardener


An outline for an all-age service with ideas for a talk, music and prayers linked…

Harvest Music and mime Prayer Storytelling

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Harvest - seed confession


An idea for saying sorry linked to seeds.

Harvest Prayer

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Harvest - the sower


An idea for all-age worship based on the parable of the sower.


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Harvest at home


This is a simple harvest fundraising activity for families to do at home in the…


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Harvest games


Harvest services and harvest suppers are among the most attended and popular church events of…

Games Harvest

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Harvest shelters


An activity and talk for a harvest festival service at which all ages are present.

Harvest Music and mime

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Harvest: Isaiah pictures a vineyard


The following reflective story presentation is a version of the parable recorded in Isaiah 5.


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In the beginning


An outline that explores the story of creation using ideas from the book of Job.

Art Harvest Reflective Storytelling Worship

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Like a mustard seed


The parable of the mustard seed is one of the most memorable and profound stories…

Abraham Harvest Lent Parables Peter Storytelling

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Ruth's harvest surprise


If you’re looking for a story for harvest, why not use a harvest-time tale from…


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