A harvest psalm


A version of Psalm 67 for the whole congregation to use.

A field of crops

On your marks

Harvest is a time to sing out our thanks to God for all that he has given us. Harvest festivals in the Bible were joyful, all-age celebrations (see Deuteronomy 26:1-11) with the singing of psalms, party food, special prayers and sharing food with those in need. The following idea is a congregational version of Psalm 67 that involves spoken responses and actions. It could be used as a form of blessing to end a service.

Get set

No special props are required, although you will need to allow for a little time to prepare the congregation for what to do and also time to learn the chant (see below).

Maybe a home group or your children’s club could lead this if they have time to prepare it beforehand.


Teach the following chant – for adults and children – to use as part of the presentation of Psalm 67. Start it off by asking everyone to join in with some rhythmic clapping and then to echo back to you as leader the following simple rhyme for the day, line by line.

The Chant

Let’s celebrate the harvest

Of water, field and tree;

And sing how God has given all

With love to you and me.


Invite everyone to join hands.

Leader: May God be kind to us and bless us.

Everyone: May the light of God’s face shine on each one of us.

Invite everyone to raise their hands as a blessing.

Leader: Let God’s ways and his praise be seen on earth.

Everyone: Let everyone say thank you to God.

Say the chant all together.

Leader: Let all the nations of the world celebrate.

Invite everyone to call out the countries they come from or have been to or which for some reason are on their hearts (for example, Sudan, America, India, Uganda, Brazil, Scotland).

Everyone: May you guide the nations of the earth and rule the people fairly.

Everyone: Let everyone say thank you to God.

Say the chant all together.

Leader: God has given us a good harvest.

Invite everyone to cheer and clap.

Everyone: God has blessed us.

Leader: And may God go on blessing us!

Everyone: And let the whole world say THANK YOU.

Say the chant all together.