An alphabet gospel 2 – places Jesus went
An alphabet collection of some of the places Jesus went, providing a family focus for…
An alphabet gospel 3 – people Jesus met
An alphabet collection of some of the people Jesus met, providing a family focus for…
An easy drama on 2 Corinthians 1:3-7
A simple way of dramatising a reading for an all age service on Mothering Sunday.
Angels, Angels Everywhere - Talking about Christmas
The theme is the role of the angels in the Christmas story – both their…
Antoni Gaudi: Using your talents to the full
What do you think you were put here on Earth to do?
Art - Jesus and the money changers
Using classic art to reflect on the story of Jesus using physical violence to ‘cleanse…
Ascension Day – a presentation
An idea on Ascension Day for a midweek group, school assembly or the all-age section…
Ascension Day – a presentation on the theme of saying goodbye
Ascension Day assembly ideas
Ascension Day: empty shoes – a presentation
A presentation on Ascension Day, using different pairs of shoes.
Ascension story and rhyme
An outline to step into the events of Ascension Day including a simple rhyme.
Babble - an assembly to introduce Pentecost
This assembly idea provides an alternative introduction to the story of Pentecost. It uses Jenga…
Barnabas - the Encouraging Apostle
11th June is St Barnabas Day. His real name was Joseph and he came from…
Barnabas the encourager
A reflective story about Barnabas in the style of Godly Play.