Ukraine anniversary

It’s exactly a year since Russia’s shocking and brutal invasion of Ukraine. Many BRF supporters, and indeed a number of BRF staff, have been involved in hosting Ukrainian individuals and families, and in working tirelessly to raise funds and gather relief supplies for delivery to the country.

King visit with Ukrainian guests

Welcoming Ukrainian families

Last week our Parenting for Faith lead Anna Hawken had the honour of meeting King Charles when he visited Milton Keynes, because of her involvement in hosting a Ukrainian family fleeing the war. In May 2022 she delivered a podcast about her family’s experience. With the situation in Ukraine far from settled, there is a still a long waiting list of people wanting to come and stay with families here. If you’re thinking of opening your home to Ukrainian visitors you might be interested to listen to the podcast.


Comfort in Uncertain Times_UKRAINIAN

Comfort in Uncertain Times

Thanks to generous donations and gifts at the end of last year, we raised the funds to have Rachel Turner’s book Comfort in Uncertain Times translated into Ukrainian. A thousand copies were delivered to churches and community associations and we had many moving responses. John Pasicznyk, chair of the Huddersfield Council of the Ukrainian Association, learned that boxes of  the books arrived in Ukraine on 16 December. ‘Everyone is incredibly grateful for the books,’ he said, ‘and great comfort has been found in them.’

We were able to provide this resource free of charge thanks to the generosity of people like you. If you would like to support our vital work visit or call our friendly fundraising team on +44 (0)1235 462305.


Pray with us

In the words of this prayer for Ukraine from Martyn Payne:

Lord God of time and eternity,
creation longs with groaning
for your children to come of age.
Forgive us for the suffering and death
that we continue to bring upon your world.
Stir up in us an urgent desire for peace and justice,
particularly in Ukraine at this time.
Comfort the bereaved,
speak peace to the fearful,
have mercy on the displaced,
and strengthen those who bring help,
so that violence and aggression 
will not have the last word in this conflict.
In the name of the Prince of Peace