An alphabet gospel 1 – things Jesus said
An alphabet collection of some of the things Jesus said, providing a family focus for…
An alphabet gospel 2 – places Jesus went
An alphabet collection of some of the places Jesus went, providing a family focus for…
An alphabet gospel 3 – people Jesus met
An alphabet collection of some of the people Jesus met, providing a family focus for…
Angels, Angels Everywhere - Talking about Christmas
The theme is the role of the angels in the Christmas story – both their…
Art - Jesus and the money changers
Using classic art to reflect on the story of Jesus using physical violence to ‘cleanse…
A way-in to talking about how things are in God’s amazing kingdom, with links to…
Beatitudes with attitude
A simple drama game to introduce the teaching of Jesus’ sermon on the mount.
Celebrate Harvest
This is an idea for a short act of worship for all ages at Harvest…
Celebrate Holy Week
The last parable that Jesus used about ‘the rejected stone’ perhaps sums up Holy Week…
Celebrate the last supper
This simple outline offers a lively way to tell one incident from the last supper…
Celebrating one in a hundred
The parable of the lost sheep is possibly one of Jesus’ best-known stories. This outline…
Christian Prayer - What helps people pray?
The following outline looks at different ways of praying within the Christian tradition.
Churches and children
An RE lesson exploring what church can mean for children in different parts of the…
Dracula: darkness afraid of the light
An idea for collective worship that uses a famous horror story to explain how Christians…
Compassion Discussion Halloween Literacy PSE/PSHE Teaching of Jesus
Epiphany – the wedding at Cana
The third of a series of three sessions to pick up the three events we…
Exploring friendship using Bible stories 6: the parable of the unforgiving servant
A lesson outline exploring the parable of the unforgiving servant with some practical suggestions as…