Resource Hub

Need activities and ideas for primary RE, collective worship, church home groups, children’s and families work or for faith in the home?

The BRF Resource Hub is your one-stop shop for free tried and tested ideas from over 20 years of working in primary RE (through Barnabas in Schools) and in resourcing churches.

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Breakfast on the beach


An idea for telling the story of Jesus’ post-resurrection appearance to his disciples on the…

Easter John Reflective Storytelling

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Candlemas – Great Grandma Anna


The following retelling of the story of the visit to the temple by Mary and…


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Celebrate Ascension


This is an idea for a short act of worship for all ages that focuses…

Ascension Prayer Storytelling Worship

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Celebrate Bonfire Night


The closest thing to a firework display in the Bible happened on Mount Sinai when…

Moses Storytelling

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Celebrate Harvest


This is an idea for a short act of worship for all ages at Harvest…

Harvest Parables Prayer Storytelling Teaching of Jesus

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Celebrate the Games


This is an idea for a short act of worship for all ages that focuses…

Disciples Prayer Storytelling Worship

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Celebrate the last supper


This simple outline offers a lively way to tell one incident from the last supper…

Holy Week Storytelling Teaching of Jesus

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Celebrate Trinity


This is an idea for a short act of worship for all ages that focuses…

Prayer Storytelling Trinity Worship

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Celebrating one in a hundred


The parable of the lost sheep is possibly one of Jesus’ best-known stories. This outline…

Parables Storytelling Teaching of Jesus

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Christmas – presentation of Christmas message through sounds


Looking for a new, fun way to tell the Christmas story? Here is an idea…

Christmas Storytelling

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Christmas – presentation of the real meaning of Christmas


Here is an idea for a Christmas presentation that can involve a number of people…

Christmas Storytelling

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Christmas cards


Finding new ways to retell the mystery of the Christmas story is always a challenge.…

Art Carol service Christmas Mary Nativity Storytelling

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Crossing the Reed Sea


Here’s a simple retelling of some of the exodus story as an example of participative…

Drama Storytelling

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Daniel – a reflective story


A reflective story about Daniel in the style of Godly Play.

Reflective Storytelling

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Daniel in the lions' den


A retelling of the story of Daniel in the lions’ den, which has been used…

Courage Daniel Prayer Storytelling

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David dances


A storytelling idea about times when we feel particularly close to God.

David Drama Reflective Storytelling

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