Resource Hub

Need activities and ideas for primary RE, collective worship, church home groups, children’s and families work or for faith in the home?

The BRF Resource Hub is your one-stop shop for free tried and tested ideas from over 20 years of working in primary RE (through Barnabas in Schools) and in resourcing churches.

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A lame man is healed at the Beautiful Gate


A fun way to tell the story of the healing of the lame man by…

Apostles Bible John Miracles Peter Storytelling Worship

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A world of hellos


Various words of welcome and ways of greeting from around the world.

Apostles Bible Pentecost

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Acts 1-12


The story of Acts 1-12 in words and actions.

Apostles Drama Storytelling

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Barnabas - the Encouraging Apostle


11th June is St Barnabas Day. His real name was Joseph and he came from…

Apostles Drama Friendship Saints Storytelling Unity

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Barnabas the encourager


A reflective story about Barnabas in the style of Godly Play.

Apostles Reflective Storytelling

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Barnabas the Encourager: making a difference


Ideas for working with the story of Barnabas, as found in Acts 4: 36-37 for…

Apostles Friendship

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Bring on a Barnabas!


A story presentation about the life Barnabas for a church service or children’s session.

Apostles Bible Drama

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Dependence - Peter's escape from prison


This idea uses drama and storytelling to unpack the story of Peter’s miraculous escape from…

Apostles Drama Storytelling

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Peter and Cornelius: overcoming Prejudice


Ideas for working with the story of Peter and Cornelius, the Roman officer, as found…

Apostles Friendship Pentecost Unity

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Peter and John: standing up for what you believe


Here’s an assembly idea about standing up for what you believe in, with activities for…

Apostles Feelings

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St Luke's Day


The following outline is for a collective worship focus on Luke the doctor with a…

Apostles Compassion Disciples Saints Teaching of Jesus

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Travels in Greece - Mission Corinth


This is an interactive and engaging way to tell the story of Holy Week.

Apostles Paul Prayer Storytelling

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Travels in Greece - Mission Philippi


Paul’s missionary journeys established Christian churches all around the eastern Mediterranean. This session explores how…

Apostles Paul Prayer Storytelling

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