Resources for times of loss

Reflective prayers, articles and activities

The BRF ministry teams have produced suggestions and ideas for churches and individuals to use following the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

Queen prayer

The trustees, staff and all who are part of BRF are deeply saddened by the news of the death of Her Majesty The Queen. We extend our deepest sympathy and condolences to the King and to the Royal Family and we hold them in our thoughts and prayers at this very sad and difficult time.

Click below for other prayers to use at this time, written by Martyn Payne, BRF volunteer prayer advocate.

From the Anna Chaplaincy team

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

It is with enormous sadness that we mark the death of Queen Elizabeth II. We convey our sincere condolences to the Royal Family and pray for comfort in their loss.

Many of us share that sense of kinship with someone who for the majority of us has ‘always been there’.

With that in mind, at this time of national mourning may we offer you our Grief Conversations resource. It is a free to download PDF.

A lifelong servant of our Lord, as Her Majesty enters her heavenly home, may she rest in peace and rise in glory.

From the Living Faith team

The death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II has touched and affected people across our nation and the world, such was the depth of feeling, admiration, respect and love that many had for her.

We mourn her loss as a nation and as individuals. We also know that there will be many who are walking through personal bereavement following the loss of a family member or friend in recent times. We have gathered together some resources which can help to comfort and support in this time of national loss and mourning, and those who are in the midst of personal grief and sorrow.

From the Messy Church team

Following the news of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s death, we have collected some resources which may be helpful here.

Aike Kennett-Brown has written a blog reflecting on the Queen’s life and legacy.

Whatever we may think about the institution of the monarchy, Elizabeth was a loyal servant of the people, and a Christian witness throughout her reign.  She took seriously the task of public life and literally worked until her dying day, to fulfil the vows that she made during her coronation.

From the Parenting for Faith team

Processing the Queen’s death

As we receive the news that Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II has died, we may be wondering what to say and how to process this with our children and young people. Here are some suggestions that you may find helpful.

We’d love to learn from you, share and process together. Please get in touch and share how this news has affected you and your family. Have you had any surprising or interesting conversations or experiences as you process? Are there any resources that you’ve found helpful?