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Small is beautiful – as Christmas shows us

Articles | 20.12.2020

In a Christmas season where large gatherings are banned, Colin Fletcher, chair of BRF’s board of trustees, recalls how small things in God’s hands become great...


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Joy in the expectation

Articles | 13.12.2020

Martyn Payne introduces ten specially composed prayers (or antiphons) to help us prepare to meet Christ in all the different manifestations in which he comes to us…


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An Advent A-Z

News | 11.12.2020

From Angels to Zechariah – enjoy and share this thoughtful Advent alphabet from Newcastle Diocese Anna Chaplain Joan Grenfell, for a reminder of the real reason for the season.

Advent Anna Chaplaincy Christmas

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Drawn to the light

Articles | 06.12.2020

In the fourth of our Advent 2020 reflections, Olivia, Warburton, head of content creation at BRF, shares practical guidance from Saint Paul on how to welcome the light of Christ into our daily lives…


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Embracing the darkness

Articles | 29.11.2020

In the third of our Advent series, 'Light in the darkness', Eley McAinsh suggests that we should embrace the darkness, not shun it…


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Preparing to prepare

Articles | 22.11.2020

In the second of our specially commissioned ‘Light in the darkness’ reflections for Advent, Gordon Giles suggests that in a topsy-turvy year such as this, it’s more important than ever to embrace this season of preparation and hope…


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Celtic Advent

Articles | 15.11.2020

In the first of our new series of articles for Advent, David Cole explores the distinctive aspects of a Celtic Advent, beginning with the fact that the Celtic season of waiting began halfway through November, rather than at the end…


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