Messy Church has been awarded a generous grant to explore the relationship between science and faith through the church engagement programme Scientists in Congregations, run by the research project Equipping Christian Leadership in an Age of Science (ECLAS). ECLAS is led from St John’s College, Durham University in partnership with the University of York and the Church of England.
The ministry is one of 22 churches and organisations in England and Wales to receive grants totalling £400,000, to be used over the next 18 months on a creative, public-facing project.
Messy Adventures
The Scientists in Congregations funding will support Messy Adventures – one of several projects brought together within Messy Church as part of an initiative called Messy Church Goes Wild.
Messy Adventures will create and pilot twelve inspiring units that will each include:
- fun activities with a strong scientific focus
- questions to discuss
- ‘Big Thinking’ provided by scientific experts.
- suggestions for creative ways of responding in Christian worship with awe, wonder, celebration
- encouragement for deepening learning and discipleship.
‘We were delighted to receive this financial and scientific help to produce resources that will encourage Messy Churches to meet God outdoors, love the natural world, experience a sense of awe and wonder, and be more eco-aware in all we do, as gathered and dispersed church, for the good of the planet.’
Lucy Moore, Messy Church Founder and Leader