Easter – Good Friday presentation


Here are three possible sections for an all-age presentation for Good Friday morning. In between the visual aids and words, there could of course be songs, prayers, short readings and times of quiet.

Palm sunday topic image

On your marks

An outline for an all-age service for Good Friday.

Get set

You will need:

  • a washbowl with water
  • a sponge on a stick
  • a large dice


Here are three possible sections for an all-age presentation for Good Friday morning. In between the visual aids and words, there will be of course songs, prayers, short readings and times of quiet.

The outline:

1  The wash bowl

Key verse:

‘Pilate saw that there was nothing he could do and that the people were starting to riot. So he took some water and washed his hands in front of them and said, “I won’t have anything to do with killing this man. You are the ones doing it!”‘
Matthew 27:24 (CEV)

Talk about this incident and make the key point that no human washing can ever clean up the bad there is on the inside of our lives.

Link to Isaiah 1:18.

2  The sponge

Key verse:

‘There they gave Jesus some wine mixed with a drug to ease the pain. But when Jesus tasted what it was, he refused to drink it.’
Matthew 27:34 (CEV)

Talk about this incident and make the key point that no earthly painkiller can take away the disease of wrong that has spoilt our world.

Link also Isaiah 53:4-5.

3  The dice

Key verse:

‘The soldiers nailed Jesus to a cross and gambled to see who would get his clothes.’
Matthew 27:35 (CEV)

Talk about this incident and make the key point that no worldly good luck can gamble our way out of the penalty of sin.

Only Jesus by dying was able on our behalf to cancel the power of evil in our lives and then enable us to fight against evil in this world and win!

Link also to Romans 3:23.