A wondering cube


An activity to encourage children to ask questions about the Bible.

Looking through a glass ball

On your marks

Traditionally, it’s the adults who ask the questions and the children who answer them! But, in order to nurture an enquiring attitude to the Bible, it is good if children themselves can be encouraged to ask questions about a passage for the rest of the group, children and adults, to talk about. This is a simple idea for helping that to happen – and, having made the equipment, you can use it with as many passages as you want, until it gets too tatty and you have to make another one!

Get set

First you need to make your cube. You could do this by using a cubed tissue box and sticking a square of card over the face, which has the hole in it. Alternatively, make a cube from by cutting out six squares of stiff card (I used mounting board) about 15 cm square. Fasten the squares together with masking tape to make a cube. However you have made your cube, cover it with paper. Write or type labels to go on each face as follows:

  • I wonder …
  • How …?
  • Why …?
  • If …?
  • Which …?
  • What …?

The cube will last longer if you cover it with clear sticky-backed plastic.


Gather the children into a circle. Invite a child to roll the cube. The child has to formulate a question related to the passage you are considering, using the wondering word that is uppermost. This then becomes a discussion starter for the group.