Please join us in offering these special prayers for Remembrance Sunday, written by Martyn Payne, BRF volunteer and prayer advocate.
You can use them with your church, for Sunday intercessions, with your family and friends or however suits you best.
Faithful and remembering God,
we come into the shelter of your love
with all our sadnesses and questions,
all our longing and mourning,
on this Remembrance Sunday.
Thank you that in Christ,
you grieve with us in our loss
and stay beside us in our pain.
We do not understand why good people have died,
while war and hatred still flourish;
nor why the innocent have suffered,
while arrogance and evil triumph;
so please help us, to see the bigger picture,
revealed in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus,
who gave us the sure promise of heaven
and the certain hope of your coming kingdom,
when, as Prince of Peace, he will reign in this world
beginning with his rule in our hearts.
God of resurrection and hope,
as once again the last post sounds
on this Remembrance Day.
and we name all those who have died before their time
in wars and during this pandemic,
help us also to look forward to the sound of the last trumpet
that will awake the dead,
and will welcome us and them into everlasting life.
Through Christ our Lord
Lord of death and life,
on this Remembrance Sunday,
we choose again to follow the Prince of Peace
and to seek the blessing of being a peacemaker.
Lord of a future and a hope,
on this Remembrance Sunday,
we ask that your peace may rule in our hearts
and that this peace will overflow to our neighbours.
Lord of yesterday, today and tomorrow,
on this Remembrance Sunday,
we commit ourselves afresh
to walk the way of peace,
to love our enemies,
to welcome the stranger,
to honour those who have gone before,
and to work on behalf of those who will come after us,
so that the whole earth may be renewed
with the peace that passes understanding.
In the name of Jesus
Merciful God,
You remember every life lived,
every pain suffered and every grief endured;
and you hold those memories forever safe
in your heart of love.
We lift before you on this Remembrance Day
loved ones who have died,
in times of peace and of war,
trusting them to your loving care.
And also today, we remind ourselves, and each other,
that nothing said or done in love will ever perish,
because you are God of the living,
in whose presence all may flourish eternally. Amen