Pray for our ministries


The new BRF Prayer Diary

In his introduction to our January-April prayer diary, our volunteer prayer advocate, Martyn Payne reminds us that, in the last 100 years, everything the Lord has done for us in the last 100 years…

‘Could only have happened because of the faithful prayers of supporters, subscribers and readers… BRF was founded as a fellowship of Bible reading and prayer. Each inspires the other on our faith journey, and for a century BRF’s resources have sought to feed that powerful partnership to help us all “get a move on spiritually with God”…

So you won’t be surprised to find that this new prayer diary invites you once again to pray… not only in thanksgiving for what is past but also in confident faith for what God has still to come. The suggested prayers for each week, along with inspirational thoughts and quotes from our books, are designed to encourage you to join us in prayer in this centenary year.’

This new issue draws on the new BRF Centenary Prayer, written by Martyn.

Explore different ways to support us in prayer.