Free Christmas activity ideas for children and families

Our free Resource Hub offers a huge collection of activities and ideas developed by specialists for schools and churches to bring Christian teaching alive for children and families.

Are you a teacher, a children’s, youth and family leader, or a parent or family member looking for creative ways to communicate the real meaning of Christmas?

The BRF Resources Hub has over 70 ideas for you to choose from! Here are just some examples:

In the classroom

Designed especially for schools, these videos showing different kinds of nativity sets from around the world and their meanings, help us appreciate  Christianity as a global faith – with traditions as diverse as the wide range of people who follow its teachings.

In Sunday groups and in the classroom

Have fun focusing on the theme of ‘surprise’ to explore the birth of Jesus as God’s amazing and unexpected gift to the world. Within this free resource are ten creative ideas for fun and memorable group activities for primary school children and intergenerational groups in the church.

For homes, children’s groups and schools

Why not get creative making  a Christmas star decoration and remember Christians around the world – some of them facing opposition for their beliefs.

Watch and talk!

For a modern take on the story of the first Christmas, why not watch the free Paperless Christmas videos with children? In a school or group setting you may like to use the follow up material for discussion.