Free Christingle resources

Christingle is a wonderful opportunity for all ages to come together and celebrate the true meaning of Christmas. And in the middle of a messy pandemic, who better to show us how than the wonderful folk at Messy Church? Together with our friends at The Children’s Society they’ve created two easy-to-follow Christingle service sheets for a joyful intergenerational celebration: a simple at-home service and a longer session to provide a complete Messy Church service for those whose local regulations allow bigger gatherings.

The Christingle-at-home session includes three fun craft activities around the theme of light, a Bible reading, two sets of prayers and a suggested song. And as Messy Church always involves fellowship over food, there’s a meal suggestion too.

Check out more brilliant ideas for how your church can spread Christmas joy in the community this year in the brand-new edition of Messy Nativity!

Stop press! No time to do your own Christingle event? Join in with this great five-minute Christingle service posted on Facebook by a Messy Church in north Oxfordshire!