Cost of living conversations in the home

How can we help children understand money, when we hardly ever handle cash any more – and when we do, it comes out of a hole in the wall? How can children understand money is a finite resource, when, to buy goods and services all it takes is a ping from our card, smart watch or phone? Jess Monteiro works with free debt advice charity Christians Against Poverty. In Season 4, Episode 4 of the popular Parenting for Faith podcast, she talks with Anna Hawken from Parenting for Faith about helping children understand money and financial challenges.

The Parenting for Faith podcast Season 4 Episode 4 | cost of living and financial struggles

In the podcast, Jess explains the importance of honest conversations with children about big issues like money and the cost of living crisis, with pratical tips and ideas to make it fun and not frightening.

‘We believe in a God that provides for us, that sees to our needs… we are not anxious about anything but with everything we are prayerful.’

And she describes how by our example we can give children a solid foundation that outlives the crisis.

‘If you’re struggling, seek help, bring it into the light… your child will see the way you’re dealing with your situation… we can give security to our children in the way that they observe our life – the way they see our disciplines in finance, the way they see us restrain. We want them to see our priorities [and how we model] generosity.’

The Parenting for Faith podcast| season 4 Episode 5 S| Supporting kids' and teens' emotional wellbeing

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