Share the love

Love is in the air in one North Yorkshire town, as a local Messy Church is launching a drive to spread goodwill in their local community by getting everyone crafting. They’re planning to fill gardens and windows with hearts crafted from paper, beads, wool, rags, pompoms and more, all in a move to celebrate kindness and love. The local newspaper picked up the story.

If you’re looking to cheer up your local community or a special person on Valentine’s Day – or any day of the year – the BRF Messy Church Pinterest board on ‘Love’ is packed full of ideas to get your creative juices flowing.

The team at Parenting for Faith also think it’s good to talk about love… Rachel Turner has offered ideas for helping children build a healthy view of romance and love that frees them from potentially harmful wrong thinking.

You can read her tips or listen to the podcast on the Parenting for Faith website.

Some of the relationship stories in the Bible seem strange to modern eyes and ears… so how can we help children to uncover the principles that will help them? Rachel suggests we ask these three questions.

Listen to the podcast item on tricky Bible love stories.