As we prepare for voting and the upcoming elections not only in the United Kingdom but around the world, please join us in offering these prayers written by Martyn Payne, BRF volunteer and prayer advocate.
You can use them with your church, for Sunday intercessions, with your family and friends or however suits you best.
God of the poor,
may those we elect share your heart
for the marginalised, the troubled,
and those who struggle with life,
balancing the needs of the well-off
with the well-being of all,
so that in our nation,
‘justice might roll down like a river,
and righteousness like a never-failing stream’*.
*Amos 5:24 NIV
God of the marketplace,
grant to those we elect
wisdom and courage,
as they seek to balance positive wealth-creation
with compassionate social change,
within which managers and workers alike
are equally valued and blessed.
May the health of our nation be measured
not by more and more goods produced
but by ever greater concern for the good of all.
God of the natural world,
may those we elect take seriously
our present climate emergency,
working for a better stewardship
of earth’s precious resources
and the protection of its vulnerable
peoples and wildlife.
Help us all, with their advocacy,
to restore the gift of this world
to its original beauty and glory.
Lord of our island kingdom,
because you declare that ‘righteousness exults a nation’*,
raise up local and national leaders
in this coming election,
who will put people before profit;
justice before power;
truth before popularity;
mercy before personal gain;
and who seek the good of all people,
for your name’s sake.
*Proverbs 14:34 NIV