we pray ‘Thy Kingdom come’,
and this is a bigger prayer than we realise:
not just for your reign in our hearts;
not just for your rule in our world;
not just for the reunion of heaven and earth;
but also for the restoration of harmony
between created and Creator.
Lord, we want to work with you for this,
each and every day,
because we recognise that Christ in our hearts
must also mean Christ at the heart
of the way we care for Planet Earth.
Gracious God,
you have planned in Christ to restore all things:
our relationship with you,
our love for one another,
our care for your world,
and our concern for every living creature under heaven.
Help us to embrace this high calling as your people
and to be committed to
planet-care and people-justice
as much as personal salvation.
For your name’s sake. Amen
Lord of the skies above and the galaxies beyond,
Lord of the oceans deep and the mountains high,
Lord of all green and growing things and animal life,
Lord of all that you have made,
Teach us again how to be your creation carers,
Bringing life to your planet and your people
By your grace