How does your family approach Halloween?


Christians have different ideas about Halloween. Is it a valuable opportunity to confront difficult subjects, or should we refuse to give it time? Parenting for Faith helps parents and carers think things through.

Halloween wisdom for parents and carers offers a wealth of wisdom on this season of the supernatural – from stories of how real families have dealt with Halloween, to podcasts, videos and articles to help parents and carers think things through.

Browse the highlights below or the full range on the website and share with your friends, family and church.

Exploring different responses to Halloween

Do you shut the curtains and pretend to be out… give a warm welcome to trick or treaters, or take the children out in fancy dress? Parenting for Faith offers a podcast, and a list of curated content from Krish Kandiah, J John and others to help parents and carers think things through.

5 Reasons we need to talk about the devil 

How do we respond when children ask about the devil and evil? Becky Sedgwick offers thoughts on how to engage with a difficult subject.

Exploring ways to respond to trick or treaters 

Ideas for wholesome ways to take the opportunity to connect with the children who come knocking at the door.

Dealing with the world’s view of the supernatural

We see witches, demons and all sorts of supernatural phenomena in scripture, so why not help children navigate a season of witches, zombies, monsters and the paranormal with the help of some good lessons from the Bible.

This special podcast episode covers…

  • deciding what you think about Halloween and explaining it to your child
  • finding the right fit for your family and tailoring your response to them.
  • dealing with films that talk about the afterlife (such as Coco).