SOLD OUT! Game-changing course for parents of teenagers

Dracula: darkness afraid of the light

It’s hard to overestimate the pressure on teenagers in today’s age of secularism, social media, global pandemic and unrest… no wonder parents sometimes feel at a loss as to how to best support them in their faith journey.

Thankfully, with Parenting for Faith there’s no need to pretend everything’s perfect. This ground-breaking approach coaches parents and carers to discover what they can actually do to help children and teens find and know God… in whatever life throws at them – however messy.

New online course for parents and churches

Now there’s an opportunity for Christian parents to join an eight-week online course especially for parents and carers of teens, on Wednesday evenings starting 27 September, from 7.30 pm to 9.00 pm.

If you’re a church you can even co-host the course and have your own break-out sessions.

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Through this special one-off course on Zoom, parents will discover how to:

  • continue to influence and encourage teens
  • help teenagers see where God is in a confusing world
  • gently correct any unhelpful images of God
  • support them in finding their own ways to communicate with God
  • show them how to discern God’s guidance each day
  • help them discover their purpose as they explore their own passions and gifts
  • become ‘more coach’ and ‘less high-priest’ as they minister to their teens in prayer
  • help them connect with church.

That’s not all – many of the parents and carers on the Parenting for Faith course find their own relationship with God – and joy in sharing him with others – deepens as a result.