BRF News September 2023

The latest issue of BRF News announces our ‘new name for a new age’

Richard Fisher welcomes readers with news of an important new development in the life of the charity. He writes:

‘From September 2023 we will be called BRF Ministries, reflecting the fact that BRF is the home of an exciting family of ministries that people know and love. Anna Chaplaincy, Living Faith, Messy Church and Parenting for Faith each reflect our bold and pioneering work in action. Each is making a unique contribution to people’s lives, while sharing our overriding passion to inspire people of all ages to grow in Christian faith. Please support our work in any way you can: by giving, by praying and by spreading the word about what we do.’

Also in this issue:

  • Sing an old song
  • Three generations of Messy helpers
  • God is in the detail
  • An Advent manifesto
  • New Christmas card designs

Read the latest issue here

BRF News September 2023

Enjoy the latest news from BRF Ministries.

Read the latest issue

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